Welcome home pookie!

Hiiiii :3 I'm Miau. I like engineering and computers. I have somewhat of an obsession with factorio at 1300+ hours played in 3 years. I am also learning German and Japanese on Duolingo.

  Website Journal

Today I did some pondering (I sat outside on my couch for an hour after getting an hour of sleep) on the relationship betweeen pay, effort, and skill of jobs. I started out with a disconnect between the physical effort of a job and how well it pays, such as the difference between physical labor (I think of farming) and office work. I do realize that the development of a skill should correspond to an increased pay, but it still feels weird to me that there's an inverse correlation between the physical effort of a job and how well it pays. (I beleive high level skills (doctors, artisans) should be rewarded for their abilities, its just that office work feels strange to me)

I also added a picture of "Chad" to Cats


I finished my playthrough of the Factorio mod Space Exploration, and started adding pictures of my factory to Factorio.

I don't think I'm finishing it tonight because my eyes are already closing


I added two pictures of my Factorio Space Exploration factory to the Factorio page.


woa not neglected this time

I added megidolaon's button to the side bar

added 4 stamps and 10 stickers to silly

thats it :3


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I neglected my child again

I am here today to add a new feature to the SILLY page, so that when you click/hover over the PISS sticker, it will change the background to that sticker. :3

I am planning on adding a bunch of stuff to the Factorio page, but i haven't gotten around to it bc it sounds like a lot of work :(

I am also going to add a list and pictures to the Cats page

I've been in my first actual semester of college for the past 2 months, which is part of why I haven't been working on this. I really enjoy my comp sci class, even though I should probably be in a higher level class. If I could, I would only do this class (computers :3). I am also in a calculus 1 class, most of which I already learned in high school :/. My art appreciation class is quite interesting, learning about different paints, how they're made, what they excel in, etc. I really don't like my english class and I can't wait until I don't have to take any more.


ok 2 hours later and I have added background effects to some of the stamps and stickers. (I don't think all of them need/deserve it) When you click on a sticker, for example the one that says piss, it will toggle that image as the background. The set of backgrounds at the bottom use a different method that I completely stole from sadgrl, which will have a preview of a background while you hover your cursor over it.

It is 4:23 am and I am quite eepy ¦| goodnight


⤑ Tried using python with flask to simplify adding new pages, but it didn't work out :(

⤑ Added a new page called Silly

⤑ Added a bunch of stamps and buttons to Silly

⤑ Finally added art to Art. I have drawings of my cat Sassy, Adeptus Mechanicus artwork, memes I drew during math class, a marker tattoo I made a while ago, and some digital art

⤑ Fixed tab titles, added a metadata description, and added a tab favicon


Wow it's already been a month and I haven't done anything on here.

⤑ I finished my first college course recently. I had CIS-1A, an introduction to computer systems and microsoft office. It was pretty easy and I can't wait to start my fall term. I'm gonna have C++ programming, Calculus I, English comp, and Art appreciation.

⤑ I made a new page today that I've been thinking about adding for a week now: Breakthroughs. I want a place where I can just put down my thoughts.

⤑ The supervisor of a summer program I've gone to for a few years suggested a scholarship I should apply for, along with giving me a letter of recomendation. I started the application process today, but got too tired half way through


The first version of my personal website, made for the Harvard CS50 class. I'm making this personal site to learn HTML/CSS, and because I love how creative people are with their personal websites. I also don't like social media and this just feels better.